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- Leave Hypafix (bandage) on for at least 24 hours. Try to keep it on for 4-6 days. (Only remove bandage early if skin feels irritated/uncomfortable, and immediately wash tattoo after removal)

- When removing the bandage, please do so in the shower, and gently wash with unscented soap. Pat to dry. 

- After 24 hours of bandage removal, apply a THIN layer of a plain, white, unscented lotion. (We recommend Aveeno or Lubriderm)

- Apply moisturizer 1-2 times/day. (Do not over moisturize)

- Do NOT pick or scratch at your healing tattoo. (It will get itchy!)

- Keep your tattoo as dry as you can while healing. Showering is totally fine, just don’t soak or scrub it. No baths. No swimming. No jacuzzi’s. 

- Stay out of the sun while your tattoo is healing. NO tanning.

*Do NOT apply sunscreen on a healing tattoo* (however, using sunscreen once the tattoo is healed is an excellent way to keep the tattoo looking fresh! The sun will damage/fade your tattoo over the years, so the more sunscreen, the better!)

- Do not re-bandage the tattoo while its healing.


Your tattoo will take approximately 3 weeks to heal (although everyone heals at different speeds). For best results, please follow the instructions listed above. If you have any questions or concerns, please send an email to

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